Why Your Life Is A Dance

If you treated life like a dance, you would experience much less stress. There is so much in life that you can compare to a dance. Dancing requires a smooth rhythm, enjoyment, balance, good music, and little effort. Without these five characteristics, dancing becomes a skewed version of itself. Similarly, without these five elements, life becomes a skewed version of itself. Let me explain.

To start, let's explore what a smooth rhythm is. You can relate a smooth rhythm to your lifestyle. In dancing, if you break rhythm or have none, it looks messy and chaotic. This also applies to your lifestyle; if you break rhythm, your life appears disorganized. Your lifestyle includes your health (what you eat and how you exercise), mental health (which holds everything together), your habits and what you do for pleasure, and your social life and relationships. If any of these fall out of rhythm, your life can become chaotic.

Enjoyment is often overlooked. While dancing, you're never asking yourself if you're enjoying it; you're just doing it without thinking. That's the beauty of enjoyment—it's natural and pure. In life, we experience natural enjoyment occasionally, but with a good rhythm, almost everything becomes enjoyable. You're not constantly questioning your enjoyment; instead, you're glad you did it afterward.

Balance is crucial. In dancing, without good balance, you'll fall over. The same goes for life. Without balance, you lack the support to accomplish significant things, whatever "significant" means to you. However, all balance is not equal. Balance without good rhythm and enjoyment is essentially the balance of nothing.

Good music sets the right environment. Without it, you feel like you're dancing in the wrong place. Similarly, in life, the wrong environment makes you feel out of place. While you can change your friends and who you interact with, you can't change your family. However, you can change how you act towards them. Remember, good music without a smooth rhythm, enjoyment, and balance is barely dancing at all.

Little effort might seem counterintuitive, but it's important. The best dancing looks effortless, smooth, and natural. A life that appears to require constant hard work just looks stressful. So, when you're frustrated, remember to try less. However, little effort without good rhythm, enjoyment, balance, and good music amounts to nothing.

Your life is a dance. Treat it like one.