Why Rap Music Is Terrible For Your Mental Health

Words are sounds. Sounds are vibrations. Therefore the words you hear and listen to are vibrations that which connect to the energy inside of you. When the energies meet they can create moods. So the words you listen to have a direct impact on your mood. You don’t even realize it. It just happens subconsciously. This can be conversations, songs, podcasts, etc. Anything that you listen to or can hear directly affects your mood. This also goes for music without words, when you are watching a movie and the movie starts to get sad have you ever noticed there is always sad music playing.

That one is pretty obvious because there is a big distinction between sad music and happy music. However there is not a big distinction between happy music and music that has frequencies of lust, aggression, and bad health. Music that talks in a negative way towards sex, music that speaks badly about other people or talks about hurting people, music that promotes smoking and drinking alcohol. You are almost put in a trance when you listen to music and you don’t realize how much it actually affects you. I heard a story about a girl that played the piano a lot and when she would play a loud upbeat tune her dog would bark at her and pull at her clothes for her to turn it off. However, when she would play a piece by Mozart or Bach the dog would lie there calmly and enjoy the music.

There have actually been lots of studies done on how classical music by these great composers affects you. When listening to music in certain keys and certain instruments by these composers you have a boosted brain effect. Your memory, cognition, and problem solving skills all improve when listening to this kind of music. Specific studies have been done on Mozart’s Sonata K.448 which you can easily find on Spotify or YouTube. I am actually listening to it as I write this which is kind of funny. Many people argue that rap music is a reflection on reality and that is why the lyrics are so “negative” however people don’t view them as negative. Many people don’t understand that you can change your reality it doesn’t have to be decided for you.

That also means that as much is this is done in music it is also done in daily conversations. The topics and words that are in the music is the same stuff that people talk about everyday. Which means people are constantly in negative vibrations and negative energies. If you have ever met someone that is really giddy and excited about little things you notice that they kind of dress differently and listen to different music. This is because subconsciously they realize what these bad conversations and music lyrics does to them. They would rather live life in a happy and peaceful state. People have lost touch with states of peace and true happiness. Which if that is ok with you than you don’t need to change and can just continue to live the way you do. Personally I’m not okay with it.

So I am changing every day. Changing the topics I talk about and even the people I talk to if they only want to talk negatively. I am practicing more mindfulness every day and continuing to improve my skills. I am meditating, listening to the right music, taking care of my body and doing work that I truly love. This is not a far off reality it takes small simple changes that you can implement by meditating for 5 minutes a day and gradually building up. Or talking about 1 positive topic each day and gradually going up. Create the reality you want don’t settle for less but don’t be hard on yourself either. Take things light, relax, and live without worry.