How To Receive Your Manifestations

To receive your manifestations you must first understand that the universe is everything. Or God, Buddha, Shiva, whoever you want to use. It is in every little thing. Even in you… You are the universe and hold all of its powers. You are your manifestations. However the reason you can’t receive these things is because you hold on to expectations. You think it should go a certain way and the reality is manifestations come through the unknown. Not through comfortability or the same ole way your parents lived. There is a bridge you must cross into the unknown that includes no expectations. Until you cross that bridge you won’t receive your manifestations.

Any book you read or lecture you listen to on manifesting and the law of attraction will tell you to ask and let go. Let go of anything you thought was going to happen or any way you would receive what you asked for. Letting go is hard because we are not used to it. There are so many things that we want to hold onto because they are easy and comfortable. We don’t want to go through pain which means we will never change. If we don’t change we can just continue to live our lives at ease of physical pain and mental strain. However we would still experience emotional pain because we take the quick and easy solution. Do not beat yourself up about this. Just choose a path and stop complaining about it. If you don’t want to change than don’t just don’t complain about it.

To let go there are some things you are going to need to apply to your life and lifestyle. The first and foremost perspective is that the world is out of your control. You cannot control your life you can only control your reaction to what happens. Events, people, and pain are some of life’s most popular figures and you cannot control a single one of them. Nothing is perfect. Perfectionism is the downfall of humans. We suffer because of it. We suffer because we hold onto things. Like if you hold onto a burning steal ball, the tighter you grip it the more it hurts. If you just let it go the pain stops.

Holding onto the past or the expectations of the future takes away from your energy to do the things that you love. You must just accept what happens and move on with your life. Something that can help you with letting go is a mantra. When you repeat something over and over it taps into your subconscious. Hence, a mantra. So just repeat to yourself “I do not need to be perfect, I do not need a perfect life.”