How I Stay Balanced In The Hustle Culture

In Search of Balance: Prioritizing Well-Being in a Hustle-Driven World

In today's fast-paced world, striking the right balance between professional success and personal well-being has become a paramount challenge. In today's hustle-culture world, everyone expects to wake up at 4 AM, lift, cold plunge, and work until they fall asleep. The saying "do something you love, and you'll never work a day in your life" seems to have lost its relevance.

However, the thing most people really don't care about is their mental health. Hence, why most people living a hustle culture lifestyle burnout. The gurus tell them to meditate for 10 minutes a day and then journal, but they have no clue what the key is to mental health. Neither do I, but I can tell you mine is great, and I do not live that lifestyle.

My Daily Routine: A Balanced Approach

My daily routine goes as follows:

- 6:30 AM - Wake up and meditate (30 minutes to 1 hour)

- 7:30 AM - Shower and get ready for the day

- 8:00 AM - Write tweets and drink coffee

- 8:30 AM - Eat breakfast

- 9:00 AM - Work

- 11:30 AM/12:00 PM - Lunch and rest

- 12:00 PM/12:30 PM - Work or relax

- 3:30 PM/4:00 PM - Gym

- 5:00 PM - Dinner with family

- 6:30 PM/7:00 PM - Walk, relax, and read

- 10:00 PM - Bedtime

Throughout my day, I am constantly aware of my thoughts and how they affect me. If you think, "Other drivers suck," the universe will create more events and reasons for you to think that. This also goes for if you think, "I love my life" or "Nothing can go wrong." The universe will keep creating reasons for you to feel this way.

The Power of Mindfulness and Meditation

To go along with this, you can change your feelings and thoughts in meditation. Not in your little short 10-minute YouTube meditation, though. Dr. Joe Dispenza is the best leader and guide in this field. Go to his events, buy his meditations. No amount of money will produce the same effect on your life.

The only way you can improve your life and your mental health is through yourself. You can create the feelings and life you want.