Are You Sure?

Are you sure? How often do you ask yourself this question when making assumptions about other people or things. Compared to when you are making a big decision about something. I’m guessing you ask yourself this question a lot more when you need to make a big decision because it is more natural. When you are in a state in which you make an assumption about somebody you are in a state of judgement. You are most likely not thinking about if this is really true and the other factors going into your judgement.

Say for example somebody you are in an elevator with has really bad body odor and smells bad. You assume that this person is dirty and that they don’t clean themself. However the truth behind why they smell so bad is because their water was cut off yesterday and they haven’t been able to shower. Or they smell bad because they have been watching their kids play sports outside all day and haven’t had a chance to clean up yet. We don’t take this kind of things into perspective when we make a judgement about somebody or something and it leads to false perceptions. False perceptions can literally ruin a relationship with someone. You can break up with your girlfriend of 5 years because of a false perception and you couldn’t see the other side of the story.

We need to ask ourselves this question more in the right situations to ask ourself this question. Often times we ask ourselves this question too much when we should just make a decision. We become indecisive and start procrastinating when instead we should be doing something. Ask yourself this question the next time you become angry with someone, ask yourself why you’re really angry. Are you angry because the other person did something to wrong you, or is there a deeper reason? If you always assume it’s because you were wronged you can never be open to healing. You want to stay closed off and let your assumptions take over and fuel the fire of anger.

The fire of anger is not wrong, you must know anger. However you just need to learn how to control the fire and what to do when it starts. You need to learn to care for your anger rather than feed into it with false perceptions. Ask yourself are you sure?