Surprising Reading Strategy

How To Read Books The Right Way and Use Them

Choosing The Right Books

Whatever your occupation is or however you earn your money doesn’t matter in this setting. Well kind of. This can be used for work, hobbies, or a small simple task. The point is the books you should be reading should be specific to a certain niche or task that you need to perform and want to learn about. A lot of people like to read self development books or books about productivity but the reality is they are just hits of dopamine to make you want to read more. Now these books are great don’t get me wrong, I have definitely read my fair share of self-development books. However if I would have known this I would change how I did it.

I experienced this reading different books like Indistractible by Nir Eyal, Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty, The Law of Success by Napolean Hill, and many more but you get the point. This are great books by great authors that I loved reading and learned a lot from. However this was where I needed to draw the line. You need to read books that can tend to your skills or skills you want to have in the future. For example in my newsletter journey I am starting to read books about how to get better at writing and how to use twitter to my advantage. I just started reading the book Twitter for Writers by Rayne Hall and hopefully I will learn a lot from it. The point is its really not that big of a deal but it is much more beneficial if you read books that tend to a specific skill versus just about self development.